Samstag, 5. November 2011

Let's make robots - our first robot

Als Fan von Hobby-Robotik und dem Make Video Blog von Frits "fritsl" Lyneborg, hatte ich für unser wochenendliches Basteln den "Start here"-Robot der Robo-Seite ausgesucht. Philipp und ich haben ihn dann auch gebaut, ging problemlos von der Hand - das Tutorial ist echt gut zum durcharbeiten.

Der Roboter funktioniert wunderbar - wie beschrieben. Un hübsch ist er geworden (siehe Fotos). Lediglich ein leichter Linksdrift bei Geradeausfahrt. Den haben wir über einen kleinen Trick im Code (siehe unten) korrigiert, natürlich parametrierbar ;-). Die Drift scheint sich nämlich mit abnehmender Akkuladung zu verändern...

Unser einfacher Code funktioniert ganz gut, sodass der Robo auch aus Ecken wieder rauskommt:

' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' lmr my first robot first test program
symbol dangerlevel = 80 ' how far away should thing be, 
                        ' before we react
symbol turn = 200 ' this sets how much should be turned
symbol servo_turn = 700 ' this sets for how long time we should
                        ' wait for the servo to turn befor we 
                        ' measure distance
symbol rightdelay=10 ' after rightdelay times calling nodanger, 
                     ' turn only left wheel (drift correctiion)

' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' initialisation stuff
gosub totalhalt    ' initially stop and turn head forward
b3 = 0    ' variable b3 is used to keep track of how often
          ' "nodanger" has been called
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' main loop
    readadc 0, b1     ' read how much distance ahead
    if b1 < dangerlevel then
        gosub nodanger     ' if nothing ahead drive forward
        gosub whichway     ' if obstacle ahaed then decide which way is better
    end if
goto main
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' including drift correction by stopping right wheel for 
' one cycle after nodanger has been called rightdelay times
nodanger: ' combination to make the robot drive forward
    if b3<rightdelay then
        high 4 : low 5  : low 6 : high 7
        high 4 : low 5  : low 6 : low 7
    b3 =b3+1
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' looking and deciding which way to turn
    gosub totalhalt     ' first stop!

    ' Look oneway
    gosub lturn     ' look to one side
    pause servo_turn     ' wait for the servo to finish turning
    readadc 0, b1
    gosub totalhalt

    ' Look the other way
    gosub rturn     ' look to one side
    pause servo_turn     ' wait for the servo to finish turning
    readadc 0, b2
    gosub totalhalt

    ' Decide which way
    if b1 <= b2 then
        gosub body_lturn
        gosub body_rturn
    end if
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' turn robot right
    high 4: low 5 : high 6 : low 7
    pause turn : gosub totalhalt
' turn robot left
    low 4 : high 5: low 6 : high 7
    pause turn : gosub totalhalt
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' turn head right
    servo 0, 100
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' turn head left
    servo 0, 200
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' stop motors and head forward
    low 4 : low 5 : low 6 : low 7
    servo 0, 153
    wait 1

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